Immune-Mediated Diseases - From Theory to Therapy
This volume summarizes the new developments that made subcellular proteomics a rapidly expanding area. Recent success stories demonstrated that the combination of subcellular prefractionation methods with proteomic analysis is a very potent approach to simplify complex protein extracts from cells or tissues and to detect low abundance proteins. It also made clear that sophisticated strategies encompassing sample preparation, analytics and validation steps were required to fully exploit the potential of subcellular proteomics.
Three sections are devoted to the different levels of subcellular organization and their specific methodologies. This is completed by a section on systems biology that deals with the integration of the data derived from these different levels to produce a synthetic description of the cell as a system. A survey of the most advanced technical developments in proteomics is also included, which covers single cell analysis methods, molecular imaging and LC-MALDI. Written by a panel of leading experts in the field, this book represents an unprecedented attempt to reflect state-of-the-art methodology and also to convey both the mode of thinking and the hype of this discipline.
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